Biogrow Mix A


From R385.00

There are 3 facets to plant care:

By mixing a cocktail of our products all these facets are covered:
Copper Soap 50ml / 5ℓ water + Biotrissol 25ml / 5ℓ water + Bioneem 50ml / 5ℓ water.
Bioneem is preventative or Pyrol / Neudosan if there is an infestation – depending on the insect pest.

Biotrissol contains essential nutrients produced from natural fermentation of sugar beet. The vitamins and growth promoting substances contained in Biotrissol strengthen the plant and will assist in the formation of blooms.
A highly effective broad spectrum solution for protection against fungal pathogens, using ultra low concentrations of plant available Copper Soap.  
Biogrow Bioneem is a preventative biopesticide, derived from the neem tree, for control of a wide range of chewing, biting and sucking insects. Use for: Aphids, Bolllworm, Codling Moth, Fruit fly, Snout beetle, Spider mites.


Bioneem is preventive.
Replace Bioneem with Neudosan for light infestation
Replace Bioneem with Phyta for severe infestation
A target specific biopesticide, effective against soft bodied insects such as aphids and scale. Use for: Aphids, Australian Bug.
Biogrow Phyta is a plant tonic to build resistance against fungal pathogens.

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There are 3 facets to plant care – nutrition, insect and disease control – and by mixing a cocktail of our products all these bases are covered. Always mix the products at their minimum dosage level as there is synergy between them which enhances their efficacy.

Copper Soap 50ml / 5ℓ water + Biotrissol 25ml / 5ℓ water + Bioneem 50ml / 5ℓ water
Bioneem is preventative or Pyrol / Neudosan if there is an infestation – depending on the insect pest

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