Biogrow Mix B


From R485.00

There are 3 facets to plant care:

By mixing a cocktail of our products all these facets are covered:
Phyta 25ml / 5ℓ water + Bioneem 50ml / 5ℓ water.
For roses use Copper Soap which gives better control for Black Spot.

Bioneem Seabrix is a fertiliser mixture of kelp, fish hydrolosate, amino acids and triacontonol to maximise plant health and growth.
Biogrow Bioneem is a preventative biopesticide, derived from the neem tree, for control of a wide range of chewing, biting and sucking insects. Use for: Aphids, Bolllworm, Codling Moth, Fruit fly, Snout beetle, Spider mites.
Biogrow Phyta is a plant tonic to build resistance against fungal pathogens.
On Roses, replace Phyta with Copper Soap for Black Spot prevention.
A highly effective broad spectrum solution for protection against fungal pathogens, using ultra low concentrations of plant available Copper Soap.  

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There are 3 facets to plant care – nutrition, insect and disease control – and by mixing a cocktail of our products all these bases are covered. Always mix the products at their minimum dosage level as there is synergy between them which enhances their efficacy.

Phyta 25ml / 5ℓ water + Bioneem 50ml / 5ℓ water + SeaBrix / 25ml / 5ℓ water.
For roses use Copper Soap which gives better control for Black Spot.

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